Monday, April 9, 2012

Resurrection Day!

We had a wonderful Resurrection Sunday! We call it that rather than Easter because Easter is the pagan holiday of fertility and the "rites of spring" that celebrates rabbits and colored eggs which have nothing to do with the Risen Savior. 

Good Friday before, the associate ministers did mini-sermons on the "Seven Last Sayings of Christ." It was an awesome presentation. My husband had "Son, behold thy mother." Later, he attended the same type presentation service at King David Church where Pastor and several other pastors do the seven last sayings for the community. There was a Resurrection Day Parade on Saturday but we didn't go this year because we'd had too much to do to get a prison ministry float together. I'd made posters for the Daughters of Naomi float, though.

My husband and I started Resurrection Sunday at the special 5AM service celebrating the resurrection and ultimate expression of love for us and all humankind. Afterwards we had breakfast at IHOP where half our church seemed to have the same idea so we had a lot of hugs and kisses with breakfast. 

It was my turn to teach our Higher Ground Fellowship Hour Class which is what we call our Sunday School. I have a class of seven- and eight-year-olds that I co-teach. The class, as usual, was awesome. We had one little girl who was wondering why we didn't say "Easter" instead of "Resurrection Sunday." Of course our lesson was about the Ultimate Love Expression though and the children were so into it!

That evening, my mother had dinner at her house and we watched "Passion of Christ." So our day was quite full. Back to the grind and to my diet today!
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