Sunday, March 16, 2014

The Journal of Blindness Innovation and Research

The Journal of Blindness Innovation and Research (JBIR) is the first international, interdisciplinary open access journal created by blind people, parents, teachers, administrators, and academic researchers designed to further efforts to address the real problems of blindness.

JBIR is a multidisciplinary publication presenting primary research, scholarly reviews, and reports of innovative information and research related to the blind. JBIR strives to publish research and professional discourse that broadens and deepens our understanding about blindness and the best practices for increasing the independence, self-respect, self-determination, and potential of individuals who are blind. JBIR is not a medical journal and does not intend to publish information related to the medical aspects of blindness. Relevant topics may include but are not limited to: the education/rehabilitation of the blind, innovations related to Braille and the use of Braille, techniques and tools for independent movement and travel by the blind, development of innovative technological approaches, findings that can effect advocacy related efforts, analysis of data sets providing descriptive information about the blind, and innovative practices in preparing professionals and paraprofessionals to work with the blind.

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